Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

My first meeting with Mr. Ikhwan

It was the first week of school and also the first week in 11th grade in my school, SMAN Unggulan MH Thamrin.
I was on the BioChem Class, a Class consist of 2 Different classes.
but now i am on 11-4
And it was a sunny day, when I meet mr.ikhwan, A Cambridge Curriculum Teacher for Math.
We learn about Life , and our goals.
My friends told us that he looks like Zayn Malik (ex-1d)
My first impression about him :
·        Nice
·        Friendly
·        Wise
·        ETC
Then he gave us this homework, Making Blogs
FYI,He is a good teacher .
Contact Him on His Twitter

That’s It.

My future goals

My future in my dream is a (bismillah) a good future.
I want to be a doctor and got a medical degree on FKUI
Makes my parent proud of me,become healthy,wealthy and have a good family with a beautiful woman of my dreams
Being useful and heal many people, making a corporation that moving on humanity
And got a nobel.
And inshaallah got a best position on jannah, Inshaallah , Aamiin.